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Coders for Causes Tech Docs

A place for CFC committee to pass down their knowledge for all things technical. It is primarily intended to be read by the tech lead of the committee (or project) as a sort of handover, but everyone should read it! Please do not take the things written here as gospel. These are just the experiences of past committee. Think critically and adapt to the times, but recognise the past! The world of tech is forever changing.


As a student-run club, committee rotates out new members every year. When committee members leave, a wealth of knowledge is lost -- especially technical knowledge. In addition, a lot of knowledge from elders is passed down in informal conversation. This can lead to the same mistakes being repeated year after year. I hope that this documentation will serve as a place for committee members to pass down their knowledge for things like running workshops and projects.

Why here?

Firstly, a majority of CFC's code is open-source. However, when it comes to running things like projects smoothly, a lot of the gruntwork is done behind closed doors. In order to continue the tradition of "working with the garage door up", this documentation is intentionally public. That said, not everything should be available to the public, and that's where our Notion comes into play.

Secondly, maintaining the level of technical proficiency of committee is an ongoing challenge. Whilst soft skills and committment are the most important to having a strong committee, technical skills are a very close second. We need technical people to run workshops and lead projects so we can inspire the next generation. So as a skill check, maintaining this documentation that's located on GitHub instead of Notion is a good start 🙂.